Chú thích Thủ_tướng_Cộng_hòa_Dân_chủ_Congo

    Chú thích trống (trợ giúp)

    1. Rebel government at Stanleyville, during the Congo Crisis.
    2. Chief of Staff since October 1964, until named Prime Minister after coup of ngày 25 tháng 11 năm 1965. Removed from premiership ngày 26 tháng 10 năm 1966, following pressure from army high command. Mobutu became head of government as well as head of state. Born Kasaï 1930, Joined Force publique 1949, Sergeant Major by 1960, quickly became an officer. 1962 assigned to command the 3rd Groupement at Kisangani. 'Gained international fame for.. defence of Bukavu and for conducting one of the most decisive battles of the 1964 north-east revolution. When Kisangani was recaptured from rebel forces in 1964 he was named military governor of the entire northeastern region.' 'General Mulamba has always enjoyed great popularity with the troops. He is known for his straightforward approach to problems. He has a sizeable farm outside Kinshasa to which, he has said, he would like to retire some day.' (Sydney Taylor, The New Africans, 1967, p.102)
    3. Fled into exile while on an official visit to Bỉ.
    4. After Law No. 90-002 of ngày 5 tháng 7 năm 1990 was promulgated, the position of "First State Commissioner" was replaced with "Prime Minister." See Articles 94 — 98 of the Constitution of Zaire (as amended by Law No. 90-002) for details. Source
    5. Resigned after the military riots in Kinshasa.
    6. Deposed in the First Congo War.